Animation Mentoring
Stop motion character animation is a craft. Learning & sharing it my passion… Let’s nurture your work & watch it flourish!
I’ve been teaching animation almost as long as I’ve been a professional animator. The true honor of my career is to have seen so many of my former students grow into world class animators, establishing themselves at every level across the globe.
I use an apprenticeship approach to teaching. Looking to harness your strengths & carefully challenge weaknesses. We’ll take examples from every corner of my broad career to study frame by frame & put into practice.
A Mentoring Workshop works best with time & space for each animator to explore ideas within their performance. Group sizes can vary depending on the participants level. For those just starting out, bigger groups of around 12 or more allows for relaxed interaction. For more advanced students, around 6 provides full one on one attention.
A room with plenty of chairs & tables & the use of the room’s natural lighting rather than sunlight. A TV or monitor available would be fantastic as a way to show examples & screen everyone’s work, plus an HDMI cable long enough to run from my laptop to the TV. Having several power extension leads available is also very useful. Whenever possible, we’ll study each other’s animation to encourage discussion & learn from each other.
I can provide 6 laptops, tripods, cameras & have a range of wire puppets, with mats to secure their feet to & tools for animating. It all fits in a suitcase ready to travel!
All animation will be rendered into an mp4 video file, capable of playing on all modern devices or uploading to social media. Attendees can bring a USB memory stick to keep a copy of their animation & I will also send all movies to the organizer via email after workshop.
Join the mailing list to be updated on upcoming workshops.
SOLD OUT for May & June!!
Part 2 of @AlinaGolovlyova 's lovely video diary from my 5 Day #StopMotion #Mentoring #Workshop at @TheWoodsStudios
#LondonCityIsland! 😁…